Edmond by David Mamet
A Design Concept for the Young Vic
MA Theatre Design - Final Degree Show, Wimbledon College of Art

Developing from the previous project, the characters and landscape of Soho were used for this ‘urban fairy tale’ in which a white middle class man (Edmond) finds the pressure of inner city life too much and looses himself in the city’s seedy underground world.

Wimbledon College of Art Exhibition Space
The Young Vic felt like an appropriate choice, with its location in one of the most diverse boroughs in London and its reputation for producing challenging and edgy pieces.

The Ground Plan of The Maria with the Crane/Claw contraption that would be lowered between scenes 3 - 4 and pick up an arm chair:

Below I experimented with characters in the model box inorder to plot and plan the movement and rapid scene changes:

I continued to work out the transitions within the space using story boards: